For Professionals Interested in The Arbor

Clearly, there are a number of options in our community for seniors and their families – and for professionals like you who rely upon the right level of care, the right environment, and the right people who will take care of your patients and clients and who respect the value of a referral and do the right thing.
Seniors look to you as a credible resource for advice and assistance in managing health challenges and choices that support a healthy lifestyle. Assisted Living and Memory Care communities offer their residents a unique combination of “independence with assistance” – our residents thrive because their unique social, nutritional, wellness, and health maintenance needs are addressed in an environment that allows them to go at their own pace in a place where their families can participate.
When your patients are confronted with a change in their health or their ability (or their family’s ability) to take care of themselves, they may need the type of care that an Assisted Living community can offer.
There are several considerations when discussing Assisted Living and Memory Care with your patients and clients.
Taking Care of your Patients and Clients
With our third party clinicians, home health agencies, hospice agencies, therapists and other health care professionals we focus on communication and responsiveness. We are here when a patient needs to be discharged and if we need a resident admitted we are well prepared. We focus on care outcomes at The Arbor by reducing hospital re-admissions. We see our Director of Health Services as a health care navigator who works closely in case management coordination with all of our third party providers.
We are working on exciting new HIPAA compliant case management initiatives including a resident “portal” that will allow us to efficiently communicate and engage with family members.
At The Arbor you can be rest assured that we will take care of your patient and you will have the same ability with our resident, in-house.

Discussing Assisted Living with your Patients and Clients
First, understand that the decision to move to an Assisted Living community is often made in a short period of time. A family member visits their elderly relative, and the need for assistance with activities of daily living becomes all too apparent. It may be after the death of a spouse, after recovery from an illness or injury, or simply a natural decline in physical or cognitive independence. There are several considerations when discussing Assisted Living and Memory Care with your patients and clients.
Is it important to be close to their current home, the shops that they frequent, their church? Is proximity to family and friends important?
Are they interested in being a part of a community of their peers? Does having a choice of activities appeal to them? How often do they see their friends and family?
How independent are they now, and would they appreciate having someone there to assist when the need arises? Are there daily activities that challenge them, like getting dressed, getting in and out of bed, bathing, remembering their medications, etc.? Do they have a pet?
Health and Wellness
If they are facing health challenges, do they feel better having healthcare professionals close at hand? Are they interested in staying active through exercise and activities? Are they able to get to physician appointments easily or would having medical professionals come to them be more convenient?
Has their diet changed or have they been eating as well as they used to? Do they tolerate certain foods more easily than others, and would they appreciate the opportunity to enjoy a variety of foods in varying portions throughout the day vs. three meals a day?
Many seniors may be resistant to moving into an Assisted Living community initially.
A visit to a prospective community, often with a family member, can make the decision easier.
Choosing a Community
In order to qualify your recommendations, you should get in touch with the communities that seem to be logical options for your patients and clients. The communities must be able to make clear the types and levels of care they offer as well as the associated cost. And, you ought to be able to get a sense of what resident life is like in the community – daily activities calendars, dietary choices, health and wellness options, and staffing ratios.
Ultimately, visiting the communities that appear to be the best fit for your clientele is the best way to truly understand what they offer. A chance to visit with residents and ask questions offers invaluable feedback, and the staff should encourage you to do so. Join the community for lunch or dinner and taste the food. Talk with caregivers and understand their regimen of services and capabilities. Get a sense of the ‘spirit’ of the community – it should be social, happy, and enthusiastic.

Working with The Arbor
We want to work with motivated, experienced senior care professionals! Whether you are interested in learning more about a referral relationship, offering services to the community, or employment at The Arbor, we really want to hear from you. Give us a call or stop by. We establish and maintain excellent relationships with neighboring hospitals and healthcare providers, so click on the link below to Contact Us…
Join Us
Please contact us to learn more about our team.
Call us at: (936) 560-1272
Email us at info@thearbor-al.com

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